Neighbor for Neighbor Heat Fund | WNY Residences | National Fuel Gas Company

Neighbor for Neighbor Heat Fund

Neighbor for Neighbor Heat Fund

This home-heating assistance grant program is available on a first-come, first-served basis and provides low-income Western New Yorkers with help to:

  • Prevent disconnection of their service
  • Pay current or past-due energy bills (excluding electric utilities)
  • Purchase home heating fuel of any kind

Qualifying individuals or families may receive a one-time grant of up to $300 per program year.

Who Is Eligible?

In order to qualify for a grant, applicants must fall into at least one of the following classifications:

  • Be at least 55 years old
  • A member of their household must be handicapped or have a disability that reduces the household’s income
  • Have a certified medical emergency
  • Be a veteran
  • Receive unemployment benefits

Other Requirements to Qualify

  • Applicants must reside in National Fuel’s service territory; however, they are not required to be a National Fuel customer.
  • Monthly income and expenses will be verified, and grant applications are processed by administering agencies.

How Do I Apply?

Please schedule an interview by contacting one of the locations below. At the time of your interview you must provide proof of identification, monthly income and monthly expenses.

The Neighbor for Neighbor Fund is administered by The Salvation Army and sponsored by The Salvation Army, the Chautauqua County Office for the Aging, Catholic Charities and National Fuel.

The Salvation Army

Catholic Charities

In Chautauqua County, eligible families or individuals should contact:

The Salvation Army

Chautauqua County Office for the Aging
716-753-4471 if age 60 or over

How Can I Support Neighbor for Neighbor?

National Fuel customers can have a tax-deductible donation of $1, $2, $5 or any other amount added to their monthly bill.

Contribute to the Neighbor for Neighbor Heat Fund.
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